So Did Adam Walk?

Back on February 10th I wrote a post titled Adam’s Deadline.  The long and short of it was that Adam had until March 30 to learn how to walk. Adam was taking steps on his own but never for an audience. He’d always walk when you had your back turned or your eyes closed. You’d catch a glimpse out of the corner of your eye and the second you turned around and reached for camera he would drop back down to his knees and not walk again until he was sure you weren’t watching. He also wouldn’t get up on his own, from his knees to his feet. He would always want to hold your hand.

We had come to terms with the fact that Adam will walk when he is good and ready, on his terms and his terms only.

On Monday, March 26th while I was at work I received a text message from Brian saying there was a video I needed to see. I asked him to e-mail it to me but instead he uploaded it to YouTube.

Well I guess Monday was the day that Adam came to terms with walking because from what I have been told he went like this for almost 2 hours! Adam finally decided to walk run. I kept having images of Forrest Gump in my head. When he was running across the country and people were asking him why he was doing it and he answered I just feel like running.

The next day when I saw Adam do this I was so excited. Many people said I would dread when Adam starts walking but this is actually fantastic. We can actually walk, or take him outback and let him roam free. It’s fun to watch him walk back and forth in the house like he’s a prisoner in Alcatraz.

He spent the week practicing at home, outside and anywhere else possible. So he was ready for the big fundraiser he was participating in.

Adam I am happy to say did walk at the fundraiser. Holding hands and on his own. Here is a little clip of me chasing him.

He was quite a sport during the fundraiser, he was a little bit of a grumpy pants but that was understandable considering it happened right in the middle of his nap time.

The organization had set a goal of raising $20,000 and Adam had a personal goal of raising $200.

I’m pleased to announce that the fundraiser brought in over $30,000 in funds.

As for Adam’s goal of $200 he blew it out of the water with help from some of the best co-workers on the planet (at my work) and raised:


Have I mentioned how proud I am of my son? 

As for walking, Adam is showing no signs of giving that up any time soon. Which is good because I am loving every minute of it!

Adam’s Deadline

I very much believe that children know better when they are ready to do things. Development wise Adam is on track with everything he is doing. He’s mastering the fork and spoon, playing independently and talking his own language. The doctor says he’s perfect and I believe that as well, however there is one thing I figured he would be doing already.

I figured he’d be walking on his own by now.

He stands on his own, but only when he’s near something to grab onto, and he walks if you are holding his hand but really he’s not holding much. He moves incredibly fast by walking on his knees which many of us thought was weird but as it turns out many kids do. On Superbowl Sunday, Brian said he just let go of the chair and took 5 steps into the middle of the room but then changed his mind and went back to walking on his knees.

I’ve given Adam a deadline of walking by March 30th.

The organization I volunteer for has an annual walk-a-thon to raise funds to subsidize the cost of the program for those who can’t afford it. I’ve been volunteering my services in many ways for 5 years officially and probably more unofficially. Last year I had the idea of having Adam participate, that way he can come and as he grows older maybe I can instill a passion for philanthropy in him. As he gets older my goal is to be involved in more causes, maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen or the food bank or maybe some other cause that we think is a worthwhile. I am hoping this will result in a well-rounded child, who appreciates what they have.

Last year of course Adam couldn’t do much talking or explaining why we were asking for money, so I did most of the work. It must have been Adam’s cuteness because he raised $195. I was impressed and it was so much fun to have him there. This year Adam has even made the organization fundraising newsletter.

Our youngest participant Adam, age one (who came to our walk last year) is now trying to walk unaided. By March 30, he may be setting the pace!

I’ve run into many people who participate and they have all been asking if Adam is going to make his deadline, will he be walking by then or just maybe will he take his first real steps at the event lapping everyone. It’s been real fun and I am sure he’ll be a total ham the day of the event. I am making him a T-Shirt for the event with the logo on the front and “Follow Me” on the back. The ladies in the office are just giddy over it.

So if Adam hasn’t asked you to sponsor him yet, we still have some time and we’ll be hitting everyone up to try to reach our goal of $200. If we could blow that out of the water that would be amazing however I know how tight times can be for people so we don’t like asking a lot. If you want more details about the event or the organization please get a hold of me and I’ll fill you in.

As for Adam buddy –

No Pressure, No Pressure at All